Migraine associated vertigo
Migraine associated vertigo

Vestibular conditions - Does the Veteran have any of the following findings, signs or symptoms attributable to Meniere's syndrome (endolymphatic hydrops), a peripheral vestibular condition or another diagnosed condition from Section 1: Yes Vertigo Frequency: More than once weekly Duration of episodes: 1 to 24 hours Staggering Frequency: More than once weekly Duration of episodes: 1 to 24 hours 4. Does the Veteran's treatment plan include taking continuous medication for the diagnosed condition: Yes Medications used for the diagnosed condition: Meclizine 3. She has been evaluated by ENT and Meniere's Disease was ruled out and has been routinely followed by neurology and has had an extensive work-up which has been otherwise benign to this point. Meclizine is effective but will cause her significant sedation that will Make her sleep the entire day.

migraine associated vertigo

She has episodes of vertigo that will be spontaneous and others that will be triggered by her migraines. She has since had chronic worsening of her symptoms in terms of severity and frequency. This did not improve with antihypertensives so she was treated with Meclizine as needed. She was evaluated at that time and initially her symptoms were related to her blood pressure. Medical history - Description of the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's ear or peripheral vestibular condition: The veteran has a history of BPPV that was initially diagnosed in 2007 during active duty service. Diagnosis - Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with an ear or peripheral vestibular condition? Yes Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) ICD code: 386.11 Date of diagnosis: 2006 2. Ear Conditions (including Vestibular and Infectious Conditions) Disability Benefits Questionnaire Name of patient/Veteran: Indicate method used to obtain medical information to complete this document: In-person examination Evidence review - Was the Veteran's VA claims file reviewed: Yes List any records that were reviewed but were not included in the Veteran's VA claims file: VBMS was reviewed 1. Will they back pay me to my retirement date for the migraines and vertigo? I attached below the results of the DBQs. I also requested an increase for the migraines and I don't know what is going to happen with the vertigo appeal. With the DBQs, I submitted a claim to include filing for hardship because my contracting job released me due to the missed days of work from the ailments. I filed an appeal in June of 2013 - within a year of the denial. The vertigo claim was denied in November 2012. The migraines were rated 0% service connected.

migraine associated vertigo

Both of these ailments were in my initial claim of Ma(I retired June 1, 2010).

migraine associated vertigo

I recently had a C&P exam in which there were two DBQs processed for vertigo and migraine headaches.

Migraine associated vertigo