Let deleteEvent = UIAlertAction(title: "Delete", style. Let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Delete Event", message: "Are you sure you want to delete this event?", preferredStyle. LogicWorks is a schematic drawing and interactive circuit simulation package, and this user-friendly interface aims to allow students to begin designing and.
Please be sure to make an announcement that this event will be deleted.") SoftwareUniversity Software All UConn faculty, staff, and students have access to university licensed software.

Self.showAlert(title: "Students Have Purchased Tickets For This Event", message: "This event cannot be deleted until all students who have purchased a ticket for this event have completely refunded their purchase. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration? The logic I use is simple, I do a query snapshot to check if there are actually students under the school ID of the school user, and then I do a second query snapshot to see if there are students that have purchased a ticket for the event already. If even one student has purchased a ticket for this event, the school user cannot delete this event, having this in place will prevent bugs and app crashes.

Our innovative platform, dedicated certified engineers, and decades. We provide continuity of care, resiliency, and the framework for Site Reliability Engineering to help bridge the gap between developers and operations. Logicworks helps customers achieve operational excellence and compliance on the cloud. Currently, I have a function that determines whether a school user can delete an event or not based off the fact if a student has purchased a ticket for this event already. AWS and Azure customers leverage our expertise and Cloud Reliability Platform to improve time-to-cloud, proactively prevent issues, and enable scale. As an alternative, look at the underlying math and. Study that and see if you can figure out the pattern. At first, just choose values for the three inputs that will result all of the various combinations of bits 5 and 6.
Cloud Service Platforms To learn more about becoming a Logicworks partner, contact . Make a truth table, but do it in a summary way (because with three 4-bit inputs a full truth table would have 4096 entries). So my goal here is to have the firestore query logic work every time instead of it working perfectly one time and not working properly every time after that. Logicworks leverages best in breed technology to deliver innovative solutions to our customers.