>This is high on our list and we will be in touch.

>using Xcode and Visual Studio - if that were the >similar to your initial suggestion for allowing >looking at it and trying to get a short cut >think 2 months is actually an aggressive >feature but effects the entire application. >been some major changes so this is not just one >iLok License Manager is made with a tool called >the time to reply and I look forward to working with you. >myself with Avid and I'm sure your experience >does begin, you'll find that it's not at all as >miscalculated and I hope that doesn't deter your >to assisting with testing when you do eventually >license manager is cross-platform, you face very >receiving emails from it, send an email to
>subscribed to the Google Groups "Pro Tools Accessibility" group. Computer running Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, or Windows 7 or higher, to use iLok License Manager Available USB portiLok account (create a free account). >You received this message because you are Exactly how long it takes for the services to start after boot is dependent on your system. This means that they don't start up until after Windows has completely booted (there are system resources needed that aren't there till late in the boot process). >that were the case - this would be already done. THe iLok license manager service and Pace service should both be set to delayed start. >is not just using Xcode and Visual Studio - if >short cut similar to your initial suggestion >week just looking at it and trying to get a >have been some major changes so this is not >and we must switch to a newer version that came This is not a complicated process by any means and I'm sure that the License Manager could be made accessible within a short amount of time.
I've sat at an office in Daly City while a programmer typed a few words, recompiled a Pro Tools beta and, within moments, a new UI element was made accessible. I assure you that a program such as Pro Tools, with its thousands of custom UI elements, is far more complex to make accessible than the iLok License Manager. Combo box lists are navigable just as they are anywhere else in the OS. Often, Apple's underlying framework takes over at that point and browsing dialogs is already accessible by default. In most cases, it's a matter of typing a few words per control.

However, if it's defined as a button and also labeled, the user can perform the default action, interact in whichever way is appropriate and use the UI controls as intended. If that button is unlabeled, well, that's not so great. licenses with a simple drag-and-drop method via iLok License Manager.
Adding licenses from to an iLok re- quires the following steps. Buy Avid iLok 3 3rd-Generation USB Software Authorization Device Review Avid null. If a button is defined as a button, the user sees the button. source for viewing, adding, and managing li- censes on your iLok USB Smart Key(s). If UI elements are undefined or unlabeled, the user sees nothing in the application apart from the menu bar. Largely, it's a matter of simply defining UI elements. I offer you a fairly simple solution: Apple has some basic programming guidelines for making applications accessible with VoiceOver.